Addicted or Additive?
Recently in college I have just done a survey on the effect the media has on today’s society. This has me wondering... Why are so many people addicted to Facebook? 100% of my survey admitted they had a facebook account and 90% admitted that they use it daily!!
Has the mass media taken over our lives? Everyday I know the first thing I do is get up, eat my breakfast and then on the way to college check my emails and my facebook. What happened to the days of students or adults reading the newspaper? LONG GONE!
I personally feel that this is such a shame; the history of media is long lost I know I know I’m ranting but where would media be today without its history?
Many people often forget when thinking about the media the audience. Without the audience there is no media. The audience contribute and convey the information given by the media. There response can change the whole meaning of the media.
We are constantly checking in where we are? What about stalkers, creeps perverts or even people we don’t need to know our personal information. I know I have an awful habit of doing it. Kate Dillon is writing a blog with – Two others.
I don’t know why but when I do something exciting I feel a Facebook status is the first thing to be done straight away. I know for a fact I’m not the only one.
What do you do when addicted to something? Like a drug? Alcohol? Food?
Go cold turkey give it up. Many Irish radio stations have now started a challenge where families have to go a full week without using any media or technology. Easier said than done. Imagine not having the news? Not having a phone? IT’S LIKE LIVING IN THE STONE AGES!
Facebook, I am sorry to say ladies and gentlemen is addictive, and many of us are addicted. It has become an obsession for many including myself. Something we rely on for news, entertainment and even communication.
Imagine being able to "buy your friends". Well now you can! Say what? Yes you can buy your friends! Facebook has now a new system where you can pay with your credit card or laser card for pretend gold coins and "buy your friends" the person who has bidded the most on that person "owns them".
Really liked the pictures here Kate, good job with the blog :)